pwd ont8RL9KZzR.s rc 1226 date 2011/5/11(水)22:07 uname 呆れた email host subject re(1):民事裁判なので size 2881 how -1 link 1 resp 2942.res tree 2908 psemail res 1 レスを付けてくださっている方々、どうもありがとうございます。 そうですか、賠償金を支払わなくても刑務所行き(とはいってもアメリカ)にはならないのですか。 以前9.11の後にNYに住んでいて帰国した日本人女性が、ある裁判で有罪になりアメリカに連れて行かれ刑に服したという話をYouTubeで見ました。 あれは刑事裁判だったから身柄を引き渡されたということですね。 htp://,8599,2070818,00.html --It remains unclear whether Christopher Savoie will ever actually get the money on behalf of his children, 10-year-old Isaac and 8-year-old Rebecca.-- “on behalf of”と書いてあるのですが、子供をダシに使って賠償金をせしめたのでしょうか。 とあるブログを読んだのですが。このブログの方、何処からこのようなものを拾ってきたのか。 サボイエのブログ? このような内容では、パスワードでも無いと読めない気もしますが。 htp:// --Nevertheless, Savoie is still going on with his big ol’ pantomime of purpose. Translation follows: “Boo hooo hoo, I cheated on my Japanese wife with an American white woman in Japan after I became a Japanese citizen. I cheated for years while we lived in Japan. I learned the language. I embraced the culture, well, as long as it contributed to making me feel like a king. Then when I got enough of skulking about behind the rows of Japanese knotweed with my mistress I packed the Japanese wife and kids up and moved to the great state of Tennessee. Once there, barely a week, barely enough time for Noriko and the children to acclimate, I ran to the good ol’ white bread patriarchal courts and asked for a divorce . I knew they would understand. I broke off a little cheddar [money] to Noriko and assumed all would be well. Because being the white American male prick [dick] that I am, I assumed that Noriko would just take it [my dick] in the ass and like it. Yes, I had no doubt that Noriko would play the role of mother to my children and allow me to come and go as I please [fuck other women]. Then, to my astonished surprise, one day, ol’girl up and took the children back to Japan. That’s right. Where in the hell did she get the gumption? I thought I had her under control. Actually, if I bother to self reflect I may realize that I don’t care one iota about my children, really. Really it is all about that cunt trumping me. Meredith honey, you seem like a nice sympathizing white woman, could you please tell me why people keep wishing I would have had a revelation during the recent floods here in Tennessee?”-- 本音丸出し。。。ですね。 開いた口がふさがりません。 子供たちのことなど微塵も考えていないこのような父親のために奔走している米国の議員さんたち、ご苦労様!と皮肉りたくなります。 議員さんたちもサボイエと同じような考え方の人たちだったら、子供たちの人権など考えずに父親の権利を主張すると思いますが。